Brittani Baxter's story was featured on “For My Man” on a show titled, Lost in Loyalty. The show's description states: A heartbroken young mother is elated to get a second chance at love, then she discovers that her dream man has a dark side; before long, she finds her life in pieces as she sets out to prove she's the ride-or-die woman her new man demands. Four people were charged in this murder, namely Eddie Blackshear, Brittani Baxter, Shundell Wright, and Tenikqua Woodard. Tenikqua was given the same plea deal and received the same sentence. While it is suspected both men were the masked robbers, neither has served one day for that murder. Brittany Baxter was sentenced to 10 years and 30 years probation for robbery. Her public record shows a release date of 05/29/2024. Brittani is the poster child of what you should teach your teen girls about dating bad boys. Neither young man served one time in jail and both have moved onto other women. They are n...
Why didn't your Mom take your baby?