Genet Rembert was convicted of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking with her boyfriend,
Mackenley Desir in the state of Florida . He was sentenced to life in prison. Her crime story was
featured on For My Man, season three.She was sentenced to fifteen years.
Both are serving time in federal prison.
Both are serving time in federal prison.
You can write to her at:
Genet Rembert 01321-104
FCI Aliceville
11070 HIGHWAY 14
You can email Genet using Jpay - you will need to select District of Columbia and her ID 01321-104
You can write to him at:
Mackenley Desir 01364-104
USP Tucson
P.O. BOX 24550
TUCSON, AZ 85734
You can email Mackenley using Jpay - you will need to select District of Columbia and his ID 01364-104
You can email Genet using Jpay - you will need to select District of Columbia and her ID 01321-104
You can write to him at:
USP Tucson
P.O. BOX 24550
TUCSON, AZ 85734
You can email Mackenley using Jpay - you will need to select District of Columbia and his ID 01364-104
Rembert v US
You can view her episode here:
Find Other Inmates
American Monster | Murder Comes to Town
Can't get enough true crime? Consider US Serial Killers for your viewing needs
Can't get enough true crime? Consider US Serial Killers for your viewing needs

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